Executive summary (google translation) of meetings in Matanzas


SUBJECT: Working meeting between OTEC Inc, unofficial, Tom, and the OTEC Group.
Days: 29 to March 31, 2010.
Venue: Lobby of the Hotel Herradura in Varadero, in Matanzas ACAA

Participants in the three sessions:

Mr Mansur Johnson. President of OTEC Inc
Mr Tom.
Julio Ernesto Diaz Diaz DRC. OTEC Group Coordinator.
Nguyen Ramírez Pérez MSc. OTEC Group.
Jorge Miguel Alfonso MSc. OTEC Group.
Carmenatis Mr. Ernesto Fernandez. OTEC Group.
Ms. Julia RosaMartinezGarcia. OTEC Group.
Rafael Pérez MSc Pablo Estevez. OTEC Group.
Jorge Tomás Martín. OTEC Group.
Beruvides Gerardo Lopez. OTEC Group. (5th year student of Mechanical Eng.)
Asbiel Diaz Saez. OTEC Group. (5th year student of Mechanical Eng.)
ZamoraYuniel Galban. OTEC Group. (5th year student of Mechanical Eng.)
Danny Machado Llarena. OTEC Group. (5th year student of Mechanical Engineering)
Alfonso Leon Tec Anarelys. OTEC Group.


The work sessions are intended to achieve the highest possible exchange of information on interests, intentions and professionalism to deploy depending on the common goal of OTEC Development Center, which is useful, important and effective to pursue on the common intention of reaching provide strong support for Cuba, the third world and any country or exploited people in their development and welfare, caring and preserving the environment for future generations.
At all times, breathed an air of disinterested cooperation and respect for all participants and especially the Cuban Revolution, concerned about the existence in the world of transnational military only think in developing OTEC technology to increase its capital position without integrated participation of people in need and increase its military power.
A visit to the historic site of the Pool of Mr Claude, as climax of the sessions, where for the first time tested the validity of OTEC technology to generate electricity.


The main results are based on the objective of achieving the common goal of OTEC Development Center, which is an investment action. It was also important to seek and discuss ways of strengthening partnerships, following the common goal of OTEC Development Center or other activities of benefit to Cuba and the Caribbean.

The main results were:

1 - American institutions and OIA OTEC Inc Inc, identified as American Party (PN), in case you do not have funding for OTEC Development Center in Cuba. Such a thing will be explained in a paper by Mr. Mansur Johnson, annexed hereto, which does not limit the actions to take strong and immediate way for that ultimate goal.

2 - The OTEC Group at the University of Matanzas, identified as Cuban Party (PC), maintain and increase their efforts to seeking funding, integrating national and international actions that allow to make viable the fundamental objective, which is fully shared in pertaining to the development of commercial technologies for the World.

3 - The development of a detailed report of the informal sharing and an executive summary, a review by the Parties prior to their release into the National Energy Group Renewable Energy Group of the Sea, Ministry of Higher Education (MES), Ministry of Industry Basic (MINBAS), Ministry of Science Technology and Environment (CITMA), Ministry of Foreign Trade and Foreign Collaboration (MINCEX) and other agencies of the central state administration (OACEs) that might interest you OTEC technology, including the Ministry Food Industry (MINAL). The information collected will serve as a document in the further processing exchange officer with the PN.

4 - The opportunity to Petróleos de Venezuela (PDVSA) is maintained by the Parties as an alternative for different reasons, which lead to a direct action of filing of the PN in Venezuela and a PC management in Cuba.

5 - The PC will manage the approval of the NGO Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) to carry out operations of nonprofit collaboration of the National Police, through the collaboration approved by the MES between OTEC and EDF Group.

6 - The NP will manage the Foundation for the Reconstruction of Haiti, led by actor Sean Penn, the offer of the Parties on the basis of transferring the technologies available for implementation in Haitiand collaboration in parallel execution of the Development Centre OTEC in Cuba, necessary to optimize these efforts.

7 - The PN advantage of his stay in Cuba, try to meet at the Embassy of Venezuela to express the convergence of views between the Parties and the importance of actions by the ALBA Project OTEC technologies that will allow capitalists and counter intentions positioning of multinationals such as Lockheed Martin. Attached is a presentation in the text.

8 - Other possible actions are open to be developed by the Parties, subject to exchange via digital.

The PC explains the role and positioning of OTEC Group, its current status and prospects of becoming a Technical Scientific Development Unit prior to the existence of OTECDevelopmentCenter. Were made several explanations of laws and rules in Cubato foreign investment and collaboration by members of the PC, making digital delivery to a CD with PN:

  • Documentation promotional and public investment and foreign cooperation in Cuba, including Law 77, in English.
  • Act 77 in Spanish.
  • Presentation of the foreign investment promotion.

In addition, digital presentations and executed on paper and a presentation by the DRC Julio Ernesto Diaz Diaz in Varadero International Workshop, April 2008.

In exceptional circumstances and to provide a detailed informal exchange material, the parties agreed to record all interventions with a view to developing a detailed report, have digital copies of such action.

Two PN positions held by the participant was the imperative to compete with the development undertaken by the multinational military Lockheed Martin and others, grouped around an OTEC similar development in the Pacific, and the other position is possible on the strength of the countries of ALBA to avoid an exclusive monopoly in the hands of the transnationals. The PC agrees with the danger expressed by the PN and the ability to integrate into a program of ALBA


The ways of strengthening partnerships, following the common goal of OTEC Development Center or other activities of benefit to Cuba and the Caribbean considered by the Parties, have different approaches, scope and objectives, with some investment activities and other collaboration, which will be developed below for each theme.

1) Piping for cold water marine production.

a. Method described by OTEC Group at the International Workshop on Energy of the Sea in April 2008.

It focuses as a nonprofit collaborative action demonstrating the method. The PC will make the necessary arrangements with the MINBAS / EPEP Center in the selection and assessment of an abandoned well with the characteristics necessary for the show, plus a technical draw economic justification of the method. The PN will be responsible for seeking funding for the show without refund. The dates will be negotiated after the initial efforts of the Parties.

b. Polyethylene pipe manufacturing technology and foreign placement.

The PN states on the proposal to manage the participation of Romanian companies like Pipelife or Finnish / KWH Pipe Canada, the needs of the pipe OTEC Development Center, however, consider it as an opportunity for these firms and Cuba to establish a Joint Venture for the production and final placement of pipes in OTEC technology in the Caribbean and surrounding areas to Cuba and even more, in any need for such products in other technologies such as residual water and other industrial fluids. Another aspect is the likely interest of the Romanian company involved in financing the Development Center's goal, which will be explored by the PN.

The PC explains about knowledge of the existence of an industrial polyethylene pipes in Ciego de Avila, but details are unknown until diameter have the technology implemented. However, as raised by the PN could be of interest to the industry and its OACEs, with an investment opportunity, export and import substitution of pipelines.

c. Industrial protection of the ideas of the Cuban party.

The PC takes the example of the general theme of industrial protection, the proposal from the cold water pipe by the modified method of drilling inclined, given the common object to commercial technologies OTEC. He wondered about the possibility of joint work in industrial protection where the PN is responsible financially out of Cubato the patents produced by the PC. This, according to the PN are troubled by the immense obstacle that represent the interests of large international corporations such as Lockheed Martin. Even if no consensus is reached in this regard, the PC refers to the need for less and Trade Secret Agreements for the right time to defer decisions on a case series. The discussion is extended to the rest of the technical scientific work to develop OTECCenter.

2) Training and development of OTEC technologies

a. Dissemination and promotion.

The PN expresses the need for wider dissemination, which includes reaching people about the possibilities and benefits of OTEC technologies. This is shared and executed by the PC, standing examples of the educational system of the month where the University of Matanzas "Camilo Cienfuegos" (UMCC) there are theoretical and practical elements of research, development of undergraduate diploma thesis and master, the participation of different entities in the work and scientific-technical conferences in several centers in different fields of action, such as the Technical Advisory Council MINBAS and the Association of Craftsmen and Artists of Cuba (ACAA) Subsidiary Matancera.

b. Scientific exchange.

The options mentioned PN personal level U.S.trade with other countries and respectful of our Revolution and its humanitarian principles. The PC expressed the willingness to share with all the professionals willing to come to our country and the PN offers grants management abroad, under the right conditions to secure the assistance of Cuban personnel, without the international practice of "theft brain "away from the interests and aspirations of the PC. It is a nonprofit collaborative action

c. Nonprofit Partnership

The PC offers the possibility of implementing the PN contributions from grants and donations non-profit or non-reimbursable for training and the work itself OTEC Group, by agreement with EDF, which could be feasible after seeking approval EDF and the MES. PN is requested by an extensive list of material needs, and other information for a comprehensive assessment which may trigger.

d. Collaboration with Caribbean Islands

The PC described in very general terms, using public information, the work for collaboration with islands of Guadeloupe and its intention to advise on the implementation of an OTEC industry on the site, which was consulted in advance so verbal with the representative of Guadalupe, requiring, however, official acceptance for the talks to be made in June in Guadeloupe, which determine the possible involvement of the NP expressing interest, depending on the technology needs.

3) heat exchangers

a. Romanian exchangers.

The PN presents and delivers digital material on the development achieved by a Romanian firm aluminum heat exchangers and the certainty of its use in the OTEC cycle. Moreover, given the desired pilot project in OTEC Development Center, said the PN would be perhaps an interest of the Romanian party investing in the evaluation of their designs and even might consider investing in this technology in Cuba to expand Your Market in the Caribbean, within or outside the OTEC technology. The PC considered both as a good opportunity, both collaboration and investment within the Centre Romanian OTEC plant and an aluminum heat exchangers.

b. Amendment Cycle OTEC.

Is exchanged on the subject, the PN presents its views on a number of courses developed by various professionals such as DRC and Haur Alexander Kalina Uehara with efficiencies between 4 and 5%. The PC sets, similar to that expressed in the Workshop of Varadero 2008, reached in his Modified OTEC cycle above 10% as a conservative value, using heat rejected from other industries, which would be required to analyze an issue in the design OTEC Development Center, adding as vital to the previous point refers to the heat exchangers. The delivery to the DRC PN Díaz Díaz a valuable, expensive and coveted book, considered as the only Treaty of OTEC technologies written by William H. DRC Avery, retired Director of Ocean Energy Program of the Laboratory of Applied Physics at Johns Hopkins University, and Chic Wu, Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering at the Naval Academy in the United States, as well as other similar digital materials research value, including article entitled "Haiti waiting for ITS systems or deep ocean water" fountains of paradise ", written by Gerard P. DRC Pereira in 2002, which may be a good starting point for the main outcome numbered six, in Section II at the beginning.

Other major technical and economic details are mentioned in the PN, which appear in the record and will be drafted within the detailed report.

c. On generating capacity.

PN is posed by the existence of OTEC designs of small industries in India less than 1 MW, the initial simplest variant a pilot plant to Cuba with a cold water pipe not exceeding 60 cm, this alternative could be an interesting variant to start with a value not exceeding $ 3 million OTEC Development Center, but would limit the integration of all OTEC technology for its low capacity and lower scaling to commercial technologies. The proposed commercial OTEC at sea in Puerto Ricois 75 MW. The PC states that its preliminary estimates for the coupling of an OTEC industry to industry in the eastern Cuban, a major energy consumer, is likely to generate more conservative than 10 MW.

4) Production of desalinated water.

The PN explains technical details of the operation of the flash evaporation in the production of desalinated water and the low percentage obtained by volume. Add the explanation of alternative methods to add such as reverse osmosis and the use of membranes. It discusses the necessary criterion of production in the lower beak separated from generation to generation processes and desalinated water production, specifying a group of technological difficulties.

The PC will review the information received but does not understand some issues that must be clarified later. Another aspect is the current difficulty of supply of salt in the provinceof Matanzas which implies a transfer from the eastern provinces of the product, which can be an opportunity to appreciate to meet the demand partial or total consumption of salt for territory, the OTEC Development Center.

5) Production of marine species

a. Microalgae in the cycle of the food chain

The NP performs a comprehensive briefing on the use of microalgae grown through a combination of deep and surface sea water for intensive cultivation of microalgae in the marine food chain, is mentioned NELHA Laboratory data in Hawaii. The PC has acquired knowledge through specific items in the Web of the benefits of the use of a recirculating water OTEC also Carmenatis Lic exposes their practical experiences.
b. Microalgae for the purpose of extracting valuable substances.

The PN makes a comprehensive briefing on the important omega-3 product and the possibility of allocating a line of research within the Centre for OTEC development for the determination of micro-algae can contain significant amounts of the compound, which is acquired in the food chain by herbivorous fish, the design of the Development Centre provided by the PN, with two ponds, have all conditions to experience the full cycle.

The PC presents the experiences in a microalga in Cuban conditions producing agar, which may be another important line of research-production, not only for its intensive and extensive use in different industries and readily available but for the wide application applied biotechnology. Other experiences known to the PC allow the possibility of phycoerythrin and β-carotene, highly valued products in the World

c. Microalgae as biodiesel and biofuel.

The PN introduces the idea of the purpose of producing microalgae for the production of biodiesel competitive with human food or with fertile areas, which is real and attractive, even with the energy expenditure to reach the production of biodiesel. The PC sets out its intention to introduce the second phase of innovative research using the microalga native, high in fatty acids, in a thermodynamic cycle where heat is rejected dovetail different from a steam boiler, an OTEC and culture intensive and continuous microalgae that produce a direct biofuel to be burned in the boiler, the positive valued PN such line of work. That article is delivered DRC Díaz Díaz, presented at the Varadero, 2008.

d. Food species.

Both parties share in the experience of the microalga Spirulina as a food capable of producing significant amounts, with values near 70% protein and proven medicinal properties. It is considered as one of the stars immediate products

OTEC Development Center, as its technology does not require any investigation, and is known also by researchers, producers Matanzas

e. Other possible species.

Different species are exposed proven and feasible to produce, from fresh oysters and scallops to marine alien species, demonstrating the possible diversification purchased at the manpower available in the territory and in Cuba in any of the topics covered

6) Climate

It was the least discussed topic, perhaps because the subject matter easier to demonstrate and more widespread today. Both sides agree on the need for knowledge of the economic and environmental benefits by other branches of the economy such as tourism with significant energy and monetary costs to secure a traditional air conditioning based entirely on electricity, which can be reduced between 70 to 80% of current electricity consumption, with the use of air conditioning or DOW named SWAC, born of the deep water of the sea, linked or independent of an OTEC power generating industry. The PC gave the Ministry of Tourism (MINTUR) information in this regard but so far there has been no response

7) Strategy for the formalization of the next meetings

a. Formalization of the relationship between the Parties.

The formalization of relations implies approval, provided additional per month, by other Cuban entities such as MINBAS, MINCEX and CITMA for final processing as established by the Cuban State. However, the proposed collaboration through approved non-profit relations with EDF, in consultation with that organization and the MES can help facilitate immediate action OTEC Group.

This executive summary of argument serve all parties involved, with its annexes and, if necessary also the detailed report will be sent later.

b. Search integration with PDVSA ALBA

The PN in the shortest time possible make contact with PDVSA and the Program of ALBA Venezuela directly integrated with the proposed OTEC Development Center, in reference to their direct participation in the financing and future operation of the Centre. Immediately, during his stay in Cuba, try to explain their intentions at the Embassy of Venezuela with a view to expediting its intentions and giving knowledge of the informal meeting held with the Group OTEC in Matanzas, also reporting the coincidence of views on the need hegemonísticas intentions to confront the U.S. military transnational with OTEC Development Center in Cuba for the needs of the ALBA countries, Third World and other exploited peoples.

The PC will be an informal management with representatives of PDVSA in Cubato serve as a backup at the touch of PN.

c. Link to the reconstruction of Haiti solidarity

The PN is proposed to perform an action coordinated with the American actor Sean Penn and directed by his Foundation for humanitarian aid to Haiti by providing knowledge of the members of both parties in terms of solidarity aid for reconstruction in Haiti and while applying for financial cooperation for OTEC Development Center here, without this a condition for aid, but is a contribution to streamline and strengthen their own efforts to transfer technologies and collaborate with the Haitian people.


Integrate into the common goal of installing an OTEC Development Center, with the national and international support for the countries of ALBA and other international organizations.

To record signing, the only original members of the Group OTEC as participation in working sessions:

Julio Ernesto Diaz Diaz DRC.

Nguyen Ramírez Pérez MSc.

Jorge Miguel Alfonso MSc.

Carmenatis Mr. Ernesto Fernandez.

Ms. Julia Rosa Martinez Garcia.

Rafael Pérez MSc Pablo Estevez.

Jorge Tomás Martín.

Beruvides Gerardo Lopez.

Asbiel Diaz Saez.

Zamora Yuniel Galban.

Danny Machado Llarena.

Alfonso Leon Tec Anarelys.

c / p MES, MINBAS, MINCEX, CITMA, National Renewable Energy Group, National Energy Group Sea and other entities deemed appropriate.